This is good news!

Death is not absolute! This is good news! It means that death cannot be the end of life, since life is absolute and transcends existence and its relative categories, the temporal and the finite, where death is confined and where it is, in fact, the most powerful expression of the negative in the actuality of existence that exists over against the reality of being, which is absolute and positive.

It is, of course, an article of faith that life and being transcends existence and becoming. Life is a positive force, absolute and spiritual, which the negative in existence opposes.

Only believe!

“the reality of absolute being”

“The ability of the self, an individual and negative image of the soul of absolute being, to rebound from reflection in repetition and reshape the actuality of nature in that image is inextricably related to the establishment of the negative in existence. The projection of a self-image negates the immediate and innocent relationship with the singularity of absolute being, which is positive, and establishes a reflective relationship with the duality of existence and its relative categories, positive and negative, in the edifice of pagan civilization within the temporal and finite universe. Self-expression is thus an expression of the individual soul’s guilty relationship with the world. Pagan humanism, a belief that deifies the self, cannot accept existence and civilization as a negative projection since such an acceptance must presuppose the positive reality of absolute being and thereby the necessity of a transforming spiritual consciousness of faith in the being of the absolute. This, in turn, demands the discipline of a morality founded upon absolute principles and the rejection of all mere ethics founded upon relative values. The refusal to acknowledge objective, intellectual existence as negative may therefore be considered as the defining mark of the pagan life, a life divorced from the reality of absolute being.”

faith in being

The physical universe is as an expression in lower dimensions of higher dimensions of being. The absolute consciousness of being is the highest consciousness, revealed as the infinite void within which the universe is inflating. This absolute consciousness of being must be an article of faith to the growing consciousness of human being and the expansion of consciousness the direction of the evolution of life within the universe. The seed of consciousness implanted in the universe transcends the physical limitations of form that delineate existence and is passed on through generation. Increased consciousness is not a means to an end but an end in and of itself, not to be achieved in order to manipulate the physical universe but in order to transcend the physical universe which has a beginning and therefore will have an end, while the absolute consciousness of being is eternal and infinite.

absolute power

Humanism, the belief that human beings and their societies are perfectible within the universe of relativity by their own efforts, lacks the faith in absolute being necessary for the subjective comprehension of the infinite and eternal void and can only conceive objectively a universe that is finite and temporal, the idea of the spatial actuality of time past. Faith in the reality of the absolute categories, which is transcendent to the intellectual consciousness of existence and its categories and transports the believer into the eternal moment of being, therefore annuls humanism. This reveals the ultimate power of the absolute, which is, to annul the negative in existence. The negative exists but has no reality and has its existence only in relationship to the void, which is absolute and positive. This relative existence of the negative, over against the positive, forms the actuality of the universe, confined within its own relativity of space and time. When the absolute void annuls the negative in existence the universe of relativity, of space and time, must cease to exist.

Time past!

Pagan consciousness is confined within the intellectual categories of existence, time and space, and cannot acknowledge the reality described by the absolute categories of eternity and infinity. Neither can pagans develop a proper understanding of nature, which is the expression of undetermined being, since they introduce objectivity and reflection into an actuality that can only be truly apprehended subjectively and immediately as the present moment. There is no present moment of time, only the past exists. Existence is time past. The moment is eternally present, stretching to infinity and therefore one with the void of being, the soul of the absolute. The individual soul may therefore be defined as a conscious moment, a moment of consciousness which can choose to be determined spiritually or materially. The spiritually determined soul becomes one with the absolute, while the materially determined soul is eventually lost in the chaos of existence, of time past.

More of the same!

All anxiety is anxiety about nothing, the absolute nothingness of the void, the spiritual presence at the core of every living being and the reality into which the universe of actualities is expanding. Filling this void at the core of our being with sensual baggage distracts us from its reality and places us within the illusion of relativity, the physical universe of time and space. Anxiety leads to despair, the condition of the soul that has lost its connection with its true being, and despair leads to death, the ultimate illusion of relativity and the ultimate expression of the negative in existence.
The spiritual void which is the ground of each human soul is the same void within which the physical universe is expanding, an infinite, spiritual emptiness. The soul which is consciously grounded in this emptiness is at one with its own transcendent being, absolute being. On the other hand, the soul which spurns the spiritual void and seeks fulfillment within the universe loses its connection to the eternal and wastes its lifetime filling the void at the center of its being with things of only relative value.


I am from the void, the void of being, the void of spiritual being, the void of conscious being. I am a spiritually conscious being.

The self that I project, in different forms, into the physical universe around me, is only an image of my being, a false image, shaped by my particular environment, by my place in the world of relativity. This illusory self, born of woman from the seed of man, is formed and reformed by the shifting currents of the chaos of existence

I am every man, every woman, every form of being, in this universe and beyond this universe, in the void of being. The finite universe is confined within the infinite void and the void is present in the center, the soul of every being, at the center of my being,

I am in the void, the spiritual void of being. I am no longer hiding among the artifacts of existence, I am no longer attempting, with futility, to fill the void at the center of my being with the distractions of chaos.

I am still, within the void, gazing outward, conscious only of being.

Food for thought


On a tortilla spread a thin straight line of tomato paste cheerfully off center. Over this spread a thicker layer of re-fried beans followed with a small sampling of tomato sauce. Cover this concoction with a layer of chopped onion, preferably leek, and add a clove of chopped garlic. Add spices to taste and blanket the whole with a sprinkling of tasty cheese. Roll up the tortilla, bake for five minutes and, lo and behold, you have one of my quite famous burritos.

A Tibetan lama of my acquaintance, a rinpoche no less, that is to say, a reincarnation of a deceased Lama, scoffed at the idea that the universe is expanding, despite the scientific evidence formulated within the last century. “Where can it expand,” he asked, “there is no where that it can expand, there is nothing beyond it into which it can expand, nothing beyond the universe?” This the exact point, which he was unable to grasp due to his belief in an infinite universe. Yet it is precisely beyond the expanding universe that there is nothing, an infinite void which contains only the finite universe, an eternal void containing the temporal universe, a spiritual void confining the material universe, an absolute void containing a universe in which everything is relative.

This material, finite universe is rushing to expand since time, even thirteen and a half billion years of it, is limited. The spiritual void has no cognizance of time. It is infinite and absolute. It is also, however, the living seed within the universe. Every form of life contains this spiritual seed. If merely one seed blossoms to its absolute potential unswayed by the relativity of existence, the universe must be dissolved, the relative negative consumed by the absolute positive, love and hate overpowered by the spiritual void’s absolute love. Our only task is to ally ourselves with this love by believing in love’s absolute power to overcome hate, in the power of the positive, the true power of the spiritual void within life, to annul the false power of the negative, and then, of course, in living by what we believe.

This, of course is the great paradox, that the void is positive and that the negative only exists within the universe, confined within relativity and soon to be annulled by the void’s absolute power, the material dissolved within the spiritual. Yet, the spiritual appears weak within the rational actuality of relativity since rational thought objectifies the material of the universe and refuses to accept a transcendent reality, the spiritual reality of the void. In this regard, also, relatively few individuals have come to terms with the discovery that the universe is finite, preferring the comfort of Newtonian infinity to the theories of relativity.

On a Mediterranean pita bread spread a thin layer of tomato paste and cover with a layer of tomato sauce followed by a thick layer of sliced zucchini. Add spices to taste, cover with grated cheese and a little pepper, black or cayenne, and bake in a toaster oven for ten minutes. A simple, tasteful, vegetarian pizza.

Being in truth

Pagan consciousness is confined within the relative categories of existence and cannot acknowledge the reality described by the absolute categories of being. Neither can pagans develop a proper understanding of nature, which is the expression of undetermined being, since they introduce objectivity and reflection into an actuality that can only be truly apprehended subjectively and immediately, which is to say, as the present moment. Pagan humanism lacks the faith in absolute being necessary for the subjective comprehension of the void of spiritual being as infinite and eternal so can only objectively apprehend a universe that is finite and temporal, conceived as the actuality of space and time. Faith in the reality of the absolute categories, which transcends the intellectual consciousness of existence and its categories and transports the believer into the redeemed life of being, annuls paganism. The pagan takes offense at faith’s denial of the moral legitimacy of his intellectual inventions and willfully refuses to acknowledge the truth of absolute being.

Soul or self ?

The soul of each man and woman may be defined as a single moment of the eternal consciousness of the void, the spiritual void of absolute being which appeared in the first atom of physical matter, a conscious moment, furthermore, that can freely choose to be determined spiritually or materially, as being or as existing, as soul or as self, as a moment of eternity or as a moment of time. When the soul moves to express its self as a moment of time it falls from being into existing, from unity into duality, from absolute into relative, from the infinitude of the spiritual void into the finitude of the material universe. When will it end?