This is good news!

Death is not absolute! This is good news! It means that death cannot be the end of life, since life is absolute and transcends existence and its relative categories, the temporal and the finite, where death is confined and where it is, in fact, the most powerful expression of the negative in the actuality of existence that exists over against the reality of being, which is absolute and positive.

It is, of course, an article of faith that life and being transcends existence and becoming. Life is a positive force, absolute and spiritual, which the negative in existence opposes.

Only believe!

“the reality of absolute being”

“The ability of the self, an individual and negative image of the soul of absolute being, to rebound from reflection in repetition and reshape the actuality of nature in that image is inextricably related to the establishment of the negative in existence. The projection of a self-image negates the immediate and innocent relationship with the singularity of absolute being, which is positive, and establishes a reflective relationship with the duality of existence and its relative categories, positive and negative, in the edifice of pagan civilization within the temporal and finite universe. Self-expression is thus an expression of the individual soul’s guilty relationship with the world. Pagan humanism, a belief that deifies the self, cannot accept existence and civilization as a negative projection since such an acceptance must presuppose the positive reality of absolute being and thereby the necessity of a transforming spiritual consciousness of faith in the being of the absolute. This, in turn, demands the discipline of a morality founded upon absolute principles and the rejection of all mere ethics founded upon relative values. The refusal to acknowledge objective, intellectual existence as negative may therefore be considered as the defining mark of the pagan life, a life divorced from the reality of absolute being.”

the absoluteness of being

The highest task of the individual soul within the universe is to express in consciousness its own absolute being, the being of the absolute, subjecting its existence to the transcendent reality of being. The physical universe appears to the existential human consciousness as an expression in lower dimensions of the higher dimensions of being and a consciousness of the absolute appears as the highest form of consciousness, revealed as transcendent to the physical universe and thereby infinite and eternal. The seed of consciousness implanted in the universe is able to transcend the physical limitations of form, passed on through generation, which delineate existence. The existential expansion of consciousness through faith in the absoluteness of all being becomes the direction of the evolution of life within the universe.

absolutely !!!

The ability to distinguish between universals and the absolute, between a relative actuality and an absolute reality, is surely a leap in the development of human consciousness, a consciousness which is confined within an intellectual existence where everything is relative. There are multiple relative actualities but only one absolute reality, which absolute can exist only once within the universe, if it exists at all, and where it can only be an object of faith.

faith in reality

The subjective, spiritual life that is formed by faith in the absolute categories is the legitimate repetition of consciousness that broadcasts the reality of being, annulling the negative within the actuality of existence and renewing the reality of nature with the added dimension of a spiritual consciousness. The spiritual is the fifth dimension of consciousness into which human life is expanding. Its mode of apprehension is faith. All life is soul, the soul of absolute being, but only the spiritually awakened human soul with faith in the absolute categories of being is able to consciously broadcast the reality of being out into the actuality of existence. Instead of projecting the image of a self into the objective, artificial actuality of pagan civilization the subjective, spiritually defined and chosen soul reveals and presents the transcendent and positive reality of absolute being. The lives of saintly human beings are witness.

Embracing consciousness !

The immediately aware soul perceives only the relative actuality of nature, without reflection in the categories of thought, the positive and the negative, good and evil, that define the duality of existence and unconscious of the absolute categories of spirit that express the unity of being. When immediacy is annulled by reflection the soul becomes self-conscious and loses itself in a maze of human invention. This edifice of ethnic and cultural tradition embodies the history of time that began with the fall into reflection and is devoid of consciousness of the absolute categories of being. To enter the reality of being the soul must reject relativity and embrace a consciousness of faith in the absolute categories, in the infinite and eternal void, evolving as a spiritual being with a consciousness that transcends the intellectual categories of existence and the temporal and finite universe.


In reality the essential task of every human being is to remain conscious of the absolute categories and practice a selfless compassion, thereby to annul the negative brought about by the expression of the self in existence. Instead of pursuing this task however, the worldly are engaged in a rampage of self-actualization, seeking to outdo each other in a frenzy of greed and pride. In the place of denial of the self, which is merely an image of their true being reflected against the artificial world of the city, they have cast themselves loose in the universe of dust and ashes, fabricating the idea and actualizing the self’s fulfillment of success in the intellectual construct of existence, although real success in life is, not the actualization of the idea of an individual self, but the realization of one’s true being in an eternal and infinite harmony with the absolute.

Time past!

Pagan consciousness is confined within the intellectual categories of existence, time and space, and cannot acknowledge the reality described by the absolute categories of eternity and infinity. Neither can pagans develop a proper understanding of nature, which is the expression of undetermined being, since they introduce objectivity and reflection into an actuality that can only be truly apprehended subjectively and immediately as the present moment. There is no present moment of time, only the past exists. Existence is time past. The moment is eternally present, stretching to infinity and therefore one with the void of being, the soul of the absolute. The individual soul may therefore be defined as a conscious moment, a moment of consciousness which can choose to be determined spiritually or materially. The spiritually determined soul becomes one with the absolute, while the materially determined soul is eventually lost in the chaos of existence, of time past.

A snippet!

Suffering, like sin and death, is an expression of the negative in existence and belongs exclusively to the intellectual consciousness of the self, the reflective idea of the soul in existence. In the spiritual reality of absolute being, as in the immediate relationships with absolute being that characterize the actuality of nature, there can be no intellectual suffering, since there is no idea of the self.

More of the same!

All anxiety is anxiety about nothing, the absolute nothingness of the void, the spiritual presence at the core of every living being and the reality into which the universe of actualities is expanding. Filling this void at the core of our being with sensual baggage distracts us from its reality and places us within the illusion of relativity, the physical universe of time and space. Anxiety leads to despair, the condition of the soul that has lost its connection with its true being, and despair leads to death, the ultimate illusion of relativity and the ultimate expression of the negative in existence.
The spiritual void which is the ground of each human soul is the same void within which the physical universe is expanding, an infinite, spiritual emptiness. The soul which is consciously grounded in this emptiness is at one with its own transcendent being, absolute being. On the other hand, the soul which spurns the spiritual void and seeks fulfillment within the universe loses its connection to the eternal and wastes its lifetime filling the void at the center of its being with things of only relative value.